“... to introduce the new logical operation `transjunction` which is responsible for a logic of distributed systems.” (Bd.1, 278)
“By interpreting transjunction as a logical act of rejection this type of operation aquires a specific cybernetic significance. We have already suggested, that transjunction isolates a system (by rejecting it). In doing so, it produces the distinction between a closed system and its environment. This is exactly what a two-valued logic can never do ... For this very purpose we require a value which transcends the scope of the system.” (Bd.1, 318)
“In einer Welt, deren Wirklichkeitsstruktur diskontexturell ist, müssen wir annehmen, daß es Kontexturen von geringerer und größerer inhaltlicher Kohäsion gibt, und daß Werte aus stärkeren Kontexturen in den Bereich schwächerer Kontexturen störend eindringen können.” (Bd.3, 201)